
We offer an array of themes and colors to set the vibe for your sleepover setup. See our Photos and Themes pages for examples of what we have to offer but always ask and share your vision with us!! We are constantly evolving and growing our inventory and are happy to try and bring your vision to life. 

Several party themes are available with additional décor depending on the selected theme at no additional costs 

while others have additional fees. Please ask for more information

Slumber Party Package

Includes tent, twin-size mattress, bedding, twinkle lights, pillows, and trays/baskets. All included for the stated price.

$48 per set up

Glow Party Package

Glow Parties are AWESOME!! These setups are amazing when we are finished. They include tents, twin-size mattresses, bedding, twinkle lights, pillows, and trays/baskets just like our other setups but then we bring on the glow.... we supply the black lights, blacklight neon decorations, balloons clusters for each tent, personalized cup for each guest. This party makes quite the impression... everything shown in the picture was included and see our other photos for more examples and more detailed pictures.

$75 per setup (includes everything)


We are constantly discovering new things to offer our customers as we continue to perfect our setups. Please see below for the additional items we offer and ask about anything you have in mind to see if it is something we can do for you!